antmanbee anthony felton photo diary
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The Walking Shot (Christmas 1986)
The Walking Shot (Christmas 1986)
E-Pluribus Unum
E-Pluribus Unum
Sketchbook drawing
Sketchbook drawing
Now that is what I call sculpture
Now that is what I call sculpture
Michael Rakowitz
Michael Rakowitz
I have been painting again
I have been painting again
Drawing (detail) by Barbara Walker
Drawing (detail) by Barbara Walker
Hélio Oiticica at the De La Warr Pavilion
Hélio Oiticica at the De La Warr Pavilion
Sarah Lucas
Sarah Lucas
Sarah Lucas, Happy Gas
Sarah Lucas, Happy Gas
Two paintings by Nick Archer
Two paintings by Nick Archer
Squaring up and drawing out finished, painting started.
Squaring up and drawing out finished, painting started.
View over rooftops
View over rooftops
View over Rooftops
View over Rooftops
Painting of Lewes prison by Graham Sendall
Painting of Lewes prison by Graham Sendall
Mine's a pint
Gerhard Richter, Tante Marianne (1965)
Gerhard Richter, Tante Marianne (1965)
Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
titula in herb
titula in herb
When Adam was Delphin
When Adam was Delphin
Just passing the day
Just passing the day
Ditchlng Museum of Art + Craft
Ditchlng Museum of Art + Craft