antmanbee anthony felton photo diary
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Hands (Detail)
Hands (Detail)
Claes Oldenburg
Claes Oldenburg
Tent of Human Rights (2016) by Rebecca Scott.
Tent of Human Rights (2016) by Rebecca Scott.
Clustermorph (2022) by Judith Alder
Clustermorph (2022) by Judith Alder
Derelict Boats by Doris Vaughan (1894 - 1974)
Derelict Boats by Doris Vaughan (1894 - 1974)
Three Graces
Three Graces
The Parting by Teresa Jellen
The Parting by Teresa Jellen
Paolozzi's studio
Cobham Diggers
Cobham Diggers
Three years ago.
Three years ago.
Alex Sadlo, Self-portrait, 1957.
Alex Sadlo, Self-portrait, 1957.
That's an old drawing Tone.
Langlands and Bell
Langlands and Bell

Absent Artists at The Charleston House Gallery
Absent Artists at The Charleston House Gallery
A Century of the Artist
A Century of the Artist's Studio
A Dose of Vitamin Sea by Ellie Fryer
A Dose of Vitamin Sea by Ellie Fryer
Three paintings by Danny Pockets
Three paintings by Danny Pockets
Triptych and Diptych from the 14th Century
Triptych and Diptych from the 14th Century
Joyce's Room
Auto Novella, 10th April 1961
Auto Novella, 10th April 1961