antmanbee anthony felton photo diary
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Jo Hill at Towner yesterday evening.
Jo Hill at Towner yesterday evening.
Off the ground.
Off the ground.
Over from Lewes.
Over from Lewes.
Three Views ...
Three Views ...
40 German students at Beachy Head.
40 German students at Beachy Head.
A colourful dress.
A colourful dress.
At Towner with Dana.
At Towner with Dana.
Weird beach ??
Weird beach ??
Bex consults her iPhone
Bex consults her iPhone
Eastbourne's Silver Band ....
We meet Tess and Michael on the promenade.
We meet Tess and Michael on the promenade.
A ghost, where?
A ghost, where?
Seventeen Blue Monkeys
Seventeen Blue Monkeys
Brando in the Queens Arms, Pimlico ...
Brando in the Queens Arms, Pimlico ...
The Great Escape
The Great Escape
Lindsay gives a short talk.
Lindsay gives a short talk.
Marilyn Monroe leggins.
Marilyn Monroe leggins.
Anthony Stevens (textiles)
Anthony Stevens (textiles)
Suspected Anarchists ...
Suspected Anarchists ...
Malted milk biscuits ..
Malted milk biscuits ..
Phil and Dennis
Phil and Dennis
Happy Birthday Chas
Happy Birthday Chas