antmanbee anthony felton photo diary
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12.35pm ....
12.35pm ....
We are off to the David Nash ...
We are off to the David Nash ...
Lyn Core ...
Lyn Core ...
Olivia 2004
Olivia 2004
We had a wonderful time in Porto.
We had a wonderful time in Porto.
Pea and mint soup ...
Pea and mint soup ...
Jude and I take a well earned late lunch ...
Jude and I take a well earned late lunch ...
Gentleman in red
Gentleman in red
Summer of air chaos pilots vote ...
Summer of air chaos pilots vote ...
Chas, Jude and Lucy ...
Chas, Jude and Lucy ...
Chicken curry and Champagne.
Chicken curry and Champagne.
Coombfest Barbecues
Coombfest Barbecues
Clare is off once again.
Clare is off once again.
Jude and Clare ...
Jude and Clare ...
Clare has come to visit us at No.8
Clare has come to visit us at No.8
Jude, Poppy, Sheep skull.
Jude, Poppy, Sheep skull.
Blue Monkey Network meeting ...
Blue Monkey Network meeting ...
The Blue Monkey network meeting.
The Blue Monkey network meeting.
Just a selection of the many Modenese Partisans ...
Just a selection of the many Modenese Partisans ...
Five days painting and drawing in Italy
Five days painting and drawing in Italy
Back in the Studio ...
Back in the Studio ...