antmanbee anthony felton photo diary
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Miriam visits from Pangbourne.
Miriam visits from Pangbourne.
In Memory of Thomas and Isabel Gibbons
In Memory of Thomas and Isabel Gibbons
Lewis, Jan, Lucy and Simon come for tea.
Lewis, Jan, Lucy and Simon come for tea.
Pop-up Pub
Pop-up Pub
Another walk and another bench ... Sandals, coke and a sandwich.
Another walk and another bench ... Sandals, coke and a sandwich.
Alciston churchyard
Alciston churchyard
Bishopstone Church
Bishopstone Church
I need a haircut.
I need a haircut.
Happy Birthday Jude
Happy Birthday Jude
Becky's 17th Birthday Party Zoom Quiz
To My Valentine
To My Valentine
Nothing more to say.
Nothing more to say.
...and now we are into Lockdown No.3
...and now we are into Lockdown No.3
Ulmus Montana Serpentina
Ulmus Montana Serpentina
We Can Do It! .....We Can Do It! .....We Can Do It!
We Can Do It! .....We Can Do It! .....We Can Do It!
Another walk and another bench ...
Another walk and another bench ...
Congratulations to Tao Geoghegan Hart
Congratulations to Tao Geoghegan Hart
Keith Sutherland
Keith Sutherland
Steps at Bedgebury Pinetum
Steps at Bedgebury Pinetum
A walk on the promenade ...
A walk on the promenade ...
A sixty-eighth birthday packed lunch in the Hovel at Great Dixter
A sixty-eighth birthday packed lunch in the Hovel at Great Dixter
Happy Birthday Laurie ...
Happy Birthday Laurie ...
Out for a walk.
Out for a walk.
Coffee in Lewes with Lucy & Simon
Coffee in Lewes with Lucy & Simon